“David provided essential communication support for the Community Learning Partnership for many years. He helped conceive comprehensive communication plans and helped us make them into a reality. He authored regular pieces of content for us, including newsletters and blog posts. Most effective were the profiles of students and team members David authored for us. These pieces were thoughtful and inspiring and helped us engage new partners and attract resources to support our expanding network.”
Ken Rolling, former Executive Director
Community Learning Partnership
“David helped us grow Gays With Kids from a fledgling media startup to the world’s largest resource for gay, bi, and trans fathers. He helped oversee a redesign of our website, style guide, newsletter, editorial calendar, and social media pages that resulted in a significant increase in page views, email subscribers, and social media followers. A talented editor and writer, David also led our team to four consecutive GLAAD nominations for “best blog” by producing content that was well-written and deeply engaging to our audience.”
Brian Rosenberg, Founder
Gays With Kids
“David was instrumental in supporting the expansion of our organization. Over the course of a year, he led a feasibility study that included interviews with dozens of stakeholders, a thorough review of the political and media landscapes, and an analysis of messaging techniques that would best support our growth. Many years later, we continue to rely on David’s report to inform our work.”
Jeremy Saunders, Co-Director
VOCAL-New York
“As a new business, we were in need of a lot of content support for our new website. David produced polished, thoroughly researched, and engaging articles, essays, and more for us on an incredibly quick turnaround. His contributions ensured our website was populated with the information our clients need to make educated decisions about their surrogacy journey.
Tamari Kachlishvili, Founder
Global Surrogacy Consulting